To start or progress in the recovery process, I have found it very important to start doing, thinking and acting almost 100% opposite of the way that I used to. Everything I had learned in the past from my family I had to take a hard look at. For the first time in my life, I had to pay special attention to: |
"What we live with we learn, and what we learn we practice, and what we practice, we become... and what we become has consequences"... AND almost always, I have found, who we become has little to do with who we were meant to be. |
If you're visiting here for the first time, please check out the other links and come back often. Follow the links and remember... THIS SITE IS LIKE RECOVERY—ALWAYS OPEN AND LEARNING! (Est. 4.15.96) |
DISCLAMER: Before you start to look at the material that I have assembled for you I want to make clear that I claim very little original authorship here. Even where I don't give credit I probably should because there are very few original words of wisdom left in recovery. I want to especially thank Terry Kellogg, whom I do believe has a lot of original stuff, John Bradshaw whom I believe has the ability to synthesize others material better that anyone I know, and I guess if we wanted to be completely accurate we should not quote the serenity prayer out of content nor without giving credit to the author. I also want to give permission to anyone to use anything on this site for the benefit of recovery as long as they do not make any more money off of it. This offer only extends to what I have the right to give. |
This web site is not a part of, nor endorsed by, any 12 step group or recovery program. The opinions here are strictly personal. The logos, concepts, and ideas have the full protection as allowed by the Copyright laws. |
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